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Guide to High Performance Sports & Hobby Programs

Unabridged, continually updated guide to educational speciality programs and workshops in extreme sports and other challenging outdoor and indoor events, with 484 programs
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Aviation   Baseball   Basketball   Body and Wake Boarding   Canoeing   Caving   Circus Technique   Climbing   Cycling   Dance   Diving   Dogsledding   (more...)
San Diego   Annapolis   3 locations   Atlanta   Fort Lauderdale   Chicago   Portland   Seattle   Jersey City   Las Vegas   Maui   Moab   (more...)
California   Florida   New York   Texas   Colorado   Washington   Hawaii   Georgia   Arizona   Vermont   Wisconsin   Michigan   (more...)
Canada   Mexico   Italy   Australia   Caribbean   France   Costa Rica   England   Portugal   Spain   Argentina   Bahamas   (more...)
Founded in 1988, ShawGuides is the premier directory for learning vacation and creative career programs worldwide, with descriptions of thousands of programs across several subject areas.

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